
Welcome to the Basajan theme user guide. This guide shows you how to get started with Basajan, including how Basajan works and how to customize it.

What is Basajan?


Basajan is a very simple and clean blog theme for Hugo, with 0kb JavaScript shipped by default. This makes Basajan fast, and also SEO friendly.

Looking for a demo site? You can find it here .

Try Basajan

If you want to create a new Hugo site with Basajan, or just want to try this theme, this is the easiest and fastest way for you.

You can start by selecting one of the service providers below by clicking the available button.

NetlifyDeploy to Netlify
VercelDeploy with Vercel

That’s it. Now you have a Hugo site that uses the Basajan theme.

Alternatively, you can read our installation guide for a complete guide on getting started with the Basajan theme.


This documentation contains only a guide on using the Basajan theme. If you are confused by some terms, or need an explanation of Hugo in general, you can always read the official documentation .

This documentation also only uses yaml as the configuration file format. You are expected to adapt if you use other formats like toml or json.

Release notes

You can find a detailed changelog for every release in the file in the our repository.

Something missing?

If something is missing in the documentation or if you found some part confusing, please file an issue for the documentation with your suggestions for improvement. We love hearing from you!


A complete guide to getting started with the Basajan theme.


Change the configurations to suit your personal preferences.